Print sets

By default, TaxWise Online prints one copy of each form, schedule, worksheet, statement, and scratch pad in a tax return when you print a return. If this meets your business needs, you do not have to change the default print settings. If this does not meet your needs, you can create your own set to include the forms and the number of each form that you need.

To select a print set(s), use the following steps:

  1. Log in as the Admin or a user with the Administrator role.
  2. Click your name on the top right of the screen and select Settings.
  3. Click General Settings.
  4. Click Print Sets in the Administrator Settings

There are four default print sets:

  1. Select the check box(es) next to any, all, or none of the print sets desired.

The Admin or a user with the Administrator role can also customize federal or state print sets. See the Custom Print Sets and State Print Sets sections for detailed instructions.